Finding Gifts All Around Us in the Chaos

You’ve been on my mind so much this surreal season in our lives.  It’s unprecedented, unexpected and unwanted.  However, it can also be unmatched if we learn to see the gifts with in it.  They’re the only things that we can’t be quarantined from.  I hope this helps you feel reconnected to the truth that we can (and will) overcome this together because no disaster can overcome a community united together in our fight against it.   


We’ve begged for life to slow down, to return to our roots and to a time when the right things in life felt like they could be prioritized. Now even though it’s not in the way we’d hoped, dreamed or prayed for, we have the opportunity we’ve been seeking.

God often delivers our prayers in the most unpredictable ways and while I don’t believe God delivered us the coronavirus, He is responsible for anything good that’s coming out of it.

This has the power to give us the gift of reconnection to the golden nuggets found in the slower pace of life:

  • when we really knew the people we call family and friends;

  • to see and expand our inner strength and fortitude,

  • to re-engage the simple beautiful parts of life,

  • to be creative,

  • to love lavishly,

  • to speak words of encouragement,

  • to learn and step into our true higher calling and

  • to reconnect to the One who loves us more lavishly and unconditionally than anyone else.

Let’s not miss this moment and lose it to panic and paranoia.

Let’s cherish the fragility of this time and of our health – not exposing ourselves or others unnecessarily but exposing ourselves instead to the gifts of our home, our family, our inner world and our bodies and minds.

This temporary pause in life can be a rare gift to those of us fortunate enough to be healthy right now. Don’t toss it aside like a disposable latex glove meant to only provide a thin layer of protection against this horrible virus. Let’s savor it, enjoy it and turn it into an invaluable, beautiful treasure…it’s own diamond in the rough.

We will all get through this together. Let’s love our way through these difficult times. It always wins over fear.

Be well. Be safe and know that you are loved and cared for.

Love and Blessings always,

P.S.  I’d love to support you even more – click here for daily videos & love.